Residential Schools

The Indian Residential School system entered the lives of Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) members as early as 1847 when children were forcibly removed from their home communities to attend residential schools until the late 1960’s. Over 3000 citizens of the NAN territory have attended over 16 residential schools funded by the federal government and operated by various church organizations.

What We Are Doing

In response to resolution 21/10: Strategic Response to the Identification of Unmarked Graves and the Recovery of Missing Nishnawbe Aski Nation Children from Indian Residential Schools, we are a department guided by a survivor-led advisory council developing a strategy of restorative healing within NAN and overseeing the implementation of the TRC Calls to Action in NAN territory. Our technical staff meet survivor and community-identified needs including but not limited to; research and policy, conducting engagement activities, coordinating with ongoing and emerging work, and integrating that work and governance elements into NAN’s strategy.

map of NAN area

Residential Schools

We recognize that members of NAN communities were sent across North America to many different schools outside of the territory. NAN has 7 former sites within in its territory:

Chapleau or St. John’s IRS – Chapleau Cree First Nation

St. Anne’s IRS – Fort Albany First Nation

Pelican Lake IRS – Lac Seul First Nation

Cristal Lake IRS – Mishkeegogamang First Nation

Bishop Horden Hall IRS – Moose Cree First Nation

Stirland Lake IRS or Wahbon Bay Academy – North Caribou First Nation

Poplar Hill IRS – Poplar Hill First Nation

News & Updates

Timeline & Map

To see our community overviews, timelines and school map, please click the button below.

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