Survivor Stories
Indian Residential School Survivors Database
A project jointly created by librarians at University of Toronto that collects survivor stories and resources from outside organizations.
Learning Resources:
- An Overview of the Indian Residential School System
- The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
- Reconciliation Canada
- 8th Fire TV Series (8th Fire Teacher’s Resource Guide)
- Orange Shirt Day
- Our People will be Healed Film
- Residential School Interactive Map
- Residential School Archive
- NCTR Memorial Register
- Indian Relocation: Elliot Lake
Organizations Supporting Survivors:
Actions For Allies:
- “Non-Indigenous people — here’s what you can do, right now” from The Discourse
- “Where to donate to support survivors of residential schools” from Maclean’s
- “Beyond thoughts and prayers: Actions you can take to support residential school survivors in Canada” from The Toronto Star
- Every Child Matters Act 1; Every Child Matters Act 2
- Settlers Take Action