‘I think of my mushum’: Families of residential school survivors gather for Delmas walk

As Sonia Pete started to walk Friday morning from Little Pine First Nation to the town of Delmas, nearly 40 kilometres away, she thought about her late father and grandfather. “Part of the path we are walking – Paynton Road (Grid 674), is the path my Dad took when he came home from residential school…

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Maskwacis Pope anniversary: One year later, a need for more action

One year ago, Peyasu Wuttunee stood at a sacred fire in Maskwacis, Alta., next to residential school survivors and their family members. He was there to offer support as people dried their tears with tissues, placed them in paper bags, and burned them…

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VKS: ‘I haven’t seen any actions as of yet’ – Residential School Survivor Reflects On One Year Since Papal Apology

This week marks one year since Pope Francis travelled to Canada to apologize for the Roman Catholic Church’s role in residential schools. What steps—if any—have been taken to continue to repair the relationship between the Catholic Church and Indigenous peoples? Vassy Kapelos speaks with Evelyn Korkmaz, a St. Anne’s Residential School survivor…

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Calls for residential school abuse records to be re-examined for names of deceased

Geraldine Shingoose was shocked when she opened a report probing what should be done to protect potential unmarked grave sites at former residential schools for Indigenous children. Of the thousands of former students who detailed the abuses they suffered to an adjudicator tasked with determining their eligibility for compensation…

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