Woodcrest teen creates powerful residential school documentary

THUNDER BAY – Challenged to come up with a history project for her Grade 8 class, Annika Harrison decided it was time to have a very frank discussion with her father. The 13-year-old student at Woodcrest Public School knew her father, now in his mid-60s, had been traumatized while attending the Pelican Lake Residential School…

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‘Ceremony saved my life’: Ochapowace First Nation man healing through culture and dance

An Ochapowace First Nation man says going to ceremonies and participating in cultural events has been a big part in his healing from the trauma of residential schools. Ivan Isaac spent 10 years of his childhood in three different residential schools in Saskatchewan — Marieval Residential School, Gordon’s Residential School and finally…

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‘Calgary’ judge allows Haida Elder’s defamation suit against Catholic Church to proceed

A “Calgary” judge has declined the Catholic Church’s application to strike down a residential “school” survivor’s class action against them, allowing her defamation lawsuit to proceed. In his decision last week, J.R. Farrington said that the basic essentials in Haida Elder Sphenia Jones’s pleading of defamation over alleged denialist comments…

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Phil Fontaine’s 1990 account of physical and sexual abuse at residential school

Fontaine’s tell-all interview from 1990 of abuse at a church-run residential school. Aired on CBC’s The Journal on Oct. 30, 1990. Warning: This video contains distressing details. About 150,000 First Nations, Inuit and Métis children were forced to attend the government-funded residential schools from the 19th century to 1996, when the last one closed. They […]

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