Indian Residential School Newsletter for the Province of Ontario

Anishnabek Nation Reconciliation Department in partnership with Nishnawbe Aski Nation have released an Indian Residential School Newsletter for the Province of Ontario. Please view the full Winter 2023-2024 Newsletter here. Trigger Warning: readers may be triggered by the recount of Indian Residential School…

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We fact-checked residential school denialists and debunked their ‘mass grave hoax’ theory

Recently a politician from a village in Prince Edward Island displayed an offensive sign on his property in which he proclaimed there is a “mass grave hoax” regarding the former Indian Residential Schools in Canada. Although many have called for him to resign, he is just one of many people who subscribe to this false theory…

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Delorme hopes to bridge the gap between government and witnesses for residential school records

Cadmus Delorme has been tasked with bringing the “worldviews” of the Canadian government and Indigenous survivors together when it comes to identifying and acquiring all relevant records for Indian residential schools.“No one’s opposing this,” said Delorme, chair of the Residential Schools Documents Advisory Committee…

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Sewing retreat in Timmins brings people together to make quilts for residential school survivors

A patchwork of people from various places and cultures have come together for a sewing retreat event in Timmins, Ont. They are volunteering their time to stitch up quilt squares for blankets which will be donated to survivors of the residential school system. The founder of ‘Quilts for Survivors’ said she is overwhelmed by what […]

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