Survivors’ Secretariat warns it’s at risk of bankruptcy without funding decision

OTTAWA — An organization that works to document what happened at a notorious residential school says it’s at risk of going bankrupt by the end of the month unless Canada makes a decision on whether it will fund the group’s work.The Survivors’ Secretariat, which works to uncover the truth about what happened at the Mohawk […]

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Book documents residential school experiences

The University of Manitoba Press has printed a first-of-its-kind book that documents the in-depth experiences of children from Northern Canada, many of whom had to travel great distances and spent months — in some cases, years — away from their families in residential schools. Crystal Fraser, who is Gwichyà Gwich’in and grew up in Inuvik, […]

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McIntosh Indian Residential School research needs more funding

GRASSY NARROWS – The project to search for unmarked graves on the grounds of the closed McIntosh Indian Residential School has surveyed four hectares (10 acres) of land so far. But the school property comprised more than 840 hectares, Wiikwogaming Tiinahtiisiiwin Project consultant Janalee Jodouin said Wednesday…

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Healing centre for residential school survivors in Winnipeg puts programs on hold because of lack of funding

The future of a Winnipeg organization that supports residential school survivors and their families is uncertain after the majority of its funding got pulled. The Wa-Say Healing Centre said it’s two years behind on the financial statements required for the renewal of its annual funding agreement with the federal government, its main backer. The centre […]

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