Survivors of area residential schools reunite

Survivors of residential schools in northwestern Ontario are returning to the sites of those former schools. Grand Council Treaty Three’s Indian Residential School Department is organizing reunions for those who attended one of the six schools that operated in Treaty 3 territory. An event in Fort Frances on Monday attracted over 100…

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Event provides comfort and space for residential school survivors

Residential school survivors gathered together to support one another and share this week. Hosted by Moose Cree First Nation and Kashechewan First Nation, a survivors’ summit was held from Tuesday, Feb 13 to Thursday, Feb. 15 in Timmins, bringing together residential school survivors from northern Ontario and Quebec. “We have…

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Timmins woman’s work catches governor general’s attention

A Timmins woman is being honoured by the governor general for her contributions and community work. Vanessa Génier, the founder of Quilts for Survivors, is being awarded a meritorious service decoration (civil division) from Governor General Mary Simon for providing quilts and comfort to residential school survivors.  Génier,…

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Iqaluit to host national gathering on unmarked graves at residential schools

Unmarked burials and the experiences of Inuit and northern communities will be the focus of a conference opening in Iqaluit later this week. Participants from across the country will attend the sixth National Gathering on Unmarked Burials, running Jan. 30 to Feb. 1 at the Aqsarniit hotel…

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