Ottawa ‘breaks commitment’ on residential school grave searches: NCTR

The federal government is being slammed for a “devastating” cut to funding for unmarked grave searches near former residential schools. The unexpected cap on funds was revealed last week. “It’s been devastating for us,” said Laura Arndt, secretariat lead of the Survivors’ Secretariat, an organization overseeing the survivor-led search for unmarked graves of children who […]

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Funding cut for residential school searches ‘reflects a troubling denialism,’ says chief

Officials with the federal government told organizations and community leaders responsible for searches for missing children and unmarked burials at residential school sites Thursday their funding is being capped at $500,000 per year. That cap is substantially less than previous operating budgets and much less than what organizations estimate is required to continue the work. […]

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Steinbach school apologizes for teacher’s use of ‘outdated’ residential school content

A southeastern Manitoba school division has apologized and blamed an outdated curriculum after students were asked earlier this year to list some of the positive effects of Canada’s residential school system. “We deeply regret the inadvertent use of outdated independent study content in a Grade 9 social studies class in one of our schools,” Hanover […]

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Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists collaborate in reconciliation art project Call to Action #83

The reconciliation art project called Call to Action #83 has begun to enter the Northern Door. After the 2015 presentation of the Truth and Reconciliation report, educator and multi-mode artist Mary-Lou Meiers and 15 other artists responded to Call to Action #83. Call #83 requests Canada Council for the Arts to support Indigenous and non-Indigenous […]

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