Ottawa ‘breaks commitment’ on residential school grave searches: NCTR

The federal government is being slammed for a “devastating” cut to funding for unmarked grave searches near former residential schools. The unexpected cap on funds was revealed last week. “It’s been devastating for us,” said Laura Arndt, secretariat lead of the Survivors’ Secretariat, an organization overseeing the survivor-led search for unmarked graves of children who […]

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Funding cut for residential school searches ‘reflects a troubling denialism,’ says chief

Officials with the federal government told organizations and community leaders responsible for searches for missing children and unmarked burials at residential school sites Thursday their funding is being capped at $500,000 per year. That cap is substantially less than previous operating budgets and much less than what organizations estimate is required to continue the work. […]

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Sen. Murkowski, Native communities react to Catholic Church’s apology for involvement in Indian boarding schools

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops recently issued a formal apology to Indigenous people for the church’s involvement with Indian boarding schools and the trauma inflicted. According to the Associated Press, a “first-of-its-kind federal study” of Native American boarding schools identified more than 500 student deaths at the institutions but expected to grow as research continues. […]

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Residential school deniers show us colonialism is still rampant

When more than 200 unmarked graves were discovered at Kamloops Residential School in 2021, a movement to uncover the extent of residential school graves gained traction. As evidence pointed to the existence of thousands of unmarked graves, a disturbing number of residential school deniers came out of the woodwork and into the public eye — so much so that if you search “residential […]

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