Manitoba introduces bill to make Orange Shirt Day a stat holiday

The Manitoba government introduced a bill in the legislature Monday to make Sept. 30 — the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation — a statutory holiday. Giving workers under the province’s jurisdiction the day off would allow them to remember the impact of the residential school system on Indigenous children, Premier Wab Kinew said…

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Communities gather to observe National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation Chief Greg Nadjiwon stood behind a microphone in front of a sacred fire and spoke about the time he broke down crying in the halls of a former residential school near Algoma University. Dozens dressed in orange listened to the chief at the Gichi-Name Wiikwedong Reconciliation Garden…

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U of T’s 2023 Orange Shirt Day event centers Residential School Survivor Storybase

On September 29, U of T held its fourth annual institution-wide event commemorating Orange Shirt Day. The day, observed on September 30, honours Indigenous children who did and did not survive the residential school system and highlights Canadian institutions’ need to actively seek reconciliation.  The ceremony highlighted the Indian Residential School Survivors’ Storybase — a resource…

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Truth and reconciliation fundraiser for Indian Residential School survivors

Speaking at the event Osoyoos Indian Band (OIB) Chief Clarence Louie recalled earlier in the day when he was watching television coverage of the National Day For Truth and Reconciliation, a feeling of satisfaction that this important issue was “being spoken about across the country”. “To me, what truth and reconciliation has to…

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