Sioux Valley seeks info about residential school

Sioux Valley Dakota Nation is asking the public to come forward with any information they have regarding the former Brandon Residential School. The Residential School Missing Children’s Investigation team at the First Nation, located 50 kilometres northwest of Brandon…

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Nishnawbe Aski Nation ᐊᓂᔑᓇᐯ ᐊᔅᑭ ᐅᑭᒪᐎᓐ Statement

Our thoughts are with English River First Nation as leadership announces their phase one findings of suspected unmarked graves at the site of the former Beauval Indian Residential School. NAN stands in solidarity with the community as they continue this important work…

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83 possible unmarked graves found at former Sask. residential school

English River First Nation in Norther Saskatchewan said a search of the former Beauval Indian Residential School has come up with a possible 83 unmarked graves. The First Nation said phase one of the search that started back in August 2021 using ground penetrating radar is complete. “It is with sincere sadness that we announce…

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Penelakut continues on its healing journey with annual march

Symbolic rays of light shone over the crowd of about 500 people at the beginning of the third annual Penelakut Tribe March For The Children in Chemainus Monday morning. The sun broke through the clouds just as the assembled group started its trek…

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