Regina United Church garden designated as space for reflection on Canada’s residential school history

Elders, church members and residents gathered in a small churchyard in Regina’s Cathedral neighbourhood Sunday. They were there to officially open the Westminster United Church healing garden, a churchyard reimagined and dedicated to reflection on Canada’s residential school history…

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Traditional carving representing Indian Residential School survivors makes stop in Regina

A monument representing a dark chapter of Canada’s history is making a stop in Regina. The monument is a traditional carving, standing 18-feet tall and weighing over 7,000 pounds. It is meant to represent the thousands of children who went through the Indian Residential School System…

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Lakehead raises National Truth and Reconciliation Flag

The residential school era is gone, but survivors don’t want it forgotten, at least not entirely. Nishnawbe Aski Nation Deputy Grand Chief Anna Betty Achneepineskum said it’s important for all of Canada to remember the atrocities associated with the residential school system, which ripped Indigenous children from their homes and…

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Williams Lake First Nation purchases former residential school site with province’s help

A former British Columbia residential school site being investigated as a possible location of potential burial sites has been purchased by the Williams Lake First Nation with the help of the provincial government. Buying the private property will ensure the integrity of the ongoing investigation and allow the First Nation to consider how to…

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