Indian Residential School Survivors and families honoured with hand-made quilts

Fort William’s St. Joseph’s Indian Residential School Project and the McCoy family partnered to deliver a Quilts for Survivors Breakfast for Survivors, families, and citizens on Oct. 1 at the CNR Building. The breakfast featured the presentation of quilts made by Dawn Kelly, a McCoy family member, and other quilters to 12 recipients…

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Residential schools tried to eradicate Mi’kmaw. The language needs help to survive Social Sharing Facebook Twitter Email Reddit LinkedIn

Teacher Noreen Sylliboy stands in front of a class of Grade 5 students and starts with a simple lesson that names the days of the week and the seasons, speaking in a language that only a few thousand Nova Scotians know.  She is trying to do her part to revitalize Mi’kmaw, a language that Canada’s […]

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Searching for truth at Brantford institute ‘for the children who aren’t here today’

She taught them Mohawk languages. Now, she’s working alongside her former students in a quest to uncover the truth of a troubling past. Diane Hill, a retired teacher from Six Nations of the Grand River, was taken to the Mohawk Institute Residential School on Nov. 22, 1963, at the age of seven. She was beaten […]

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Traditional carving representing Indian Residential School survivors makes stop in Regina

A monument representing a dark chapter of Canada’s history is making a stop in Regina. The monument is a traditional carving, standing 18-feet tall and weighing over 7,000 pounds. It is meant to represent the thousands of children who went through the Indian Residential School System…

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